Aftab Hussain recently joined the SPIES lab as a post-doctoral researcher. Welcome on-board!
Aftab Hussain is an incoming Post Doctoral Researcher at Texas A&M University, having recently completed his PhD defense at the University of Houston. He works on improving the security and reliability of large language models (LLMs) for source code, and his PhD dissertation is on Trojan Detection in LLMs of Code. His PhD research has been funded by a Cybersecurity Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Education. He has recently presented his research at reputable venues in software engineering and AI, such as AIWare at FSE 2024 and SeT LLM at ICLR 2024. Aftab holds a Master’s degree from the University of California, Irvine in Software Engineering, where he published in top software engineering and security conferences such as ASPLOS and USENIX ATC.